Today I decided to take the kids outside and let them finger paint. I had this grand idea that they would try and paint an actual object or picture. Instead they decided to smear the paint all over the paper as soon as I put a glob on the paper. Nonetheless I think they had fun, at least they got to make a mess, which kids love to do, and it was outside, keeping the inside a little cleaner. I also took a group shot, knowing that I can use as blackmail in about 10 years. I had about a 5 sec window to capture this before I knew it would all fall apart. This is my best photo and as you can tell that assuming I had a 5 sec window was a mistake. Lilly was naked and Luke was not a happy camper! This was the best of the bunch I remind you, enough said. Anyway below are some of the pics from the activity.
Winter Light In SoHo
3 days ago
you are ch a GREAT dad!!!! how sweet of you to make this memory... hopefully Luke wont remember how much he hated it...